Grief that Crushes You
I noticed a friend posted this morning on Facebook that today is the greatest "pause" in the story of Easter. It is true, I think, because we acknowledge today that Jesus has died. He is in the tomb, anointed with burial oils and wrapped in linen cloths. And so we wait. In many Christian churches, this time between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is marked by the observance of an 'Easter Vigil.' It's probably impossible for us to grasp the depth of the grief experienced by those who followed Jesus during his earthly life. The 12 men who dropped everything to follow him from village to village, believing He was Messiah, the chosen one of God that the prophets had spoken of...even though they didn't fully comprehend what that meant. His mother, Mary, who had known from His birth that her son was unique and sent from God to save His people, and yet...for her, Jesus' death was experienced as the death of a firstborn son. A wrenching pain, a loss that all p...