Be Strong and Courageous

I am focused on a list of character traits this week, as a part of both my prayer life and my devotional reading. One of the things I'm praying for is courage, so I decided it would be good to know the definition of the word "courage":
The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain without fear...

Synonym: Fearlessness

I have a bone to pick with this definition...I think it's off the mark, by a long shot...

I don't think being fearless has anything to do with being courageous. For me, courage of heart and soul has to do with showing up for the thing that is difficult, dangerous, or painful...and staying with it...regardless of the presence or absence of fear. In fact, I think it takes more courage to stay in a situation that causes us to feel fearful.

In the Old Testament book of Joshua, there's a passage in the opening chapter where God is telling Joshua to move forward with his plan, because God has promised to give the people of Israel the land that they are entering...

God says to Joshua (among other things)..."Be strong and courageous..." Unless I've missed it, God doesn't require fearlessness of Joshua...only that he move forward in courage, knowing that God is with him, even in the face of fearful circumstances.

On a more mundane level, I'm reminded of the fact that stage fright accompanies almost all performers...whether they be actors, singers, or whatever the case...but even in the face of tremendous anxiety and fear, courage allows the performer to perform, in spite of their fear. The adrenaline that accompanies fear can energize us, and even fuel our courage...if we allow it to.

It's true though, that fear can paralyze us...overwhelm us and even stop us in our tracks...but I think the fruit of maturing character is courage...the willingness to step out; in our faith, in our relationships, in whatever the challenge that is set before us...and do the thing we're called to, regardless of the fear we might feel.

Where does such courage come from, and how is it possible? In the words of the ancient script:

Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.


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