God will not let us stumble -
He is a Guardian who never falls asleep.
He is a God who never dozes off.
God is alert, watchful, always present. Psalm 121
If there was a person in my life who I loved and trusted,
a person who spent every hour of every day and night...
watching out for me, caring how I do...
protecting me from the heat of the day
and the dark of the night... this would be a source of great confidence!
Why? Because confidence is rooted in this kind of fiercely protective love...
it is found in the passion that wants to be present, wherever I am...
only because I am valued...cherished...treasured.
Confidence comes from being the object of deep and personal love.
Nothing can undermine the confidence of a person who knows
he or she is deeply loved and cherished.
God loves just this kind of personal and passionate way.
"If I have freedom in my love
and in my soul am free,
Angels alone, that soar above
enjoy such liberty."
Althea, by Richard Lovelace
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