Stay the Course

Sometimes there is nothing to do but stay the course.  

When a canopy of beauty becomes something that blocks the light on your path, stay the course.

Do you see these majestic trees?  Such beauty demands deep roots, and healthy ones too. It takes time to create such depth. Scripture warns us to never let the root of bitterness take hold.   Just a little bitterness can bring it all down. No matter your anger, no matter your hurt.  Forgive and keep moving. God in His time will give beauty for ashes, but you? You, stay the course.

Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. He says to always, no matter what happens, stay connected to Him.  Stay the course.

The Proverbs teach us: Godliness is like a well-watered tree that bears fruit in its season.  Remember this teaching; persevere in times of drought, and don't quit.  It bears saying again:  stay the course.

Take care the fruit of your life, and discern between the bitter and the good.  We are His workmanship, called to good works in Christ Jesus.  The seed of His life in us has the power to bear good fruit, if we will only stay the course.


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