Big Decisions and Personal Humility

As I have watched the Presidential race unfold during the past 15 months, I have at various times supported different candidates, but throughout these long months of argument and debate, the core values which inform my voting decision have remained the same.

I don't know who will read this blog, or what your personal and political views might be...given the strong and opposing views of our fellow Americans, and the nearness of the Election on November 8th, I've begun to turn my thoughts toward our future under a new President. 

I am voting for Donald Trump.  He was not my choice during the primary season, but he is my choice today.  Not because I'm deceived or naïve about his behavior and comments in past history, or because I necessarily disbelieve the women who have accused him of unwanted sexual advances. I don't know what he did or didn't do or say...and unless you were present, neither do you. I realize my ability to vote for Trump might seem outrageous to many, and honestly, I feel the same about those who are able to cast their vote for Secretary Clinton.  I won't recount the dozens of stories about Secretary Clinton's actions in public life which disqualify her for the office of President, though her actions weigh heavily in my decision. 

The reasons I must vote for Trump are rooted in policies - policies having to do with protection of babies in the womb, the integrity and security of our borders, the responsible use of our country's tax revenues, and several others.

Regardless of how I choose to vote, or you choose to vote - roughly half of our nation will be unhappy with the outcome.  What of it?  We sometimes hear famous people say they'll move to another country if their candidate isn't elected...  Most of us will get up on November 9th and go on with our lives.  We will continue to live together, work together, go to church together, and hopefully...we'll get along with one another.

On another level, those of us who are Christians are praying for God's direction - in our personal lives, as well as in our country and around the world.  For those of us whose voting decisions are rooted in moral imperatives, we look to the candidates and see them through a filter of what we believe God calls us to as a nation.  Tonight I read a few scripture passages which helped me to put the Election in better perspective, and I want to share those with you.  The first is from the book of Proverbs, one of the wisdom books of the Old Testament (also known as the Hebrew Scripture):

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

We work hard everyday, and the candidates running for office work very hard.  In the end, we live in a world created by a Sovereign God, and in the end, the Lord's purpose will prevail in all things.  I certainly don't mean to say our participation in the world is unimportant, but ours is not to control the outcome of things. Rather, our job is to be faithful with the work we are individually called to do, and trust God with the future.

God's ways are not like our ways, and we do well to remind ourselves of this.  The prophet Isaiah records this message to God's people at the time, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking our way is God's way, and that God is on our side.  President Lincoln had the perspective we need today, when he prayed we would be on the Lord's side.

I don't know how the Election will turn out this year, but I know we each have a responsibility to vote.  After we vote, it is our responsibility to assume a position of humility; humility with one another, and humility before God. I pray for God's will to be done, and for all of us to leave in peace and patience with each other.


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