Treasure in the Attic

Have you ever thought of your Bible as an attic? I hadn't either, until today. I heard a sermon this morning, and a phrase stuck out for me..."What do you know?" And I started thinking about that question...what do I really know? I mean, what am I certain of? If you strip everything away, and leave only what you are sure is true, what is left?

In today's scripture readings for the Daily Office (taken from The Book of Common Prayer, published by the Episcopal Church)...there was a passage from Ezekial. Yes, Ezekial. You remember it, don't you? I'm sure it tops your list of favorite books from the Bible, right? Perhaps not...

But you will find it the attic of scripture...buried under other dusty books like Amos, Habbakuk, and Zephaniah.

There are treasures hidden there, for those who take a few moments to dig around. Remember that time you cleaned out your attic...a closet...maybe just a drawer...? And in the process, you discovered treasures you had long since forgotten...finding such treasures is one of life's little treats, don't you agree?

Scripture can be very much like this...holding secret treasures buried in long forgotten corners.... The passage from Ezekial tells the story about how God's people had been exiled (taken out of their homeland against their will), but that he was going to bring them back home again. The most beautiful part of the passage was this:

"I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind."

In God's one is ever left behind. No one. Not one person. It's the kind of important truth that we need to know. To be certain of, no matter what is happening in our lives, or around us in the world.

This, my friends, is treasure worth digging for...


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