Where are you right now?

Where you are today reflects exactly where you are today.  I love to share stories and ideas surrounding the topic of personal development, and what each of us are capable of achieving.
I can't explain exactly why these topics engage me so consistently and so insistently, but after many years, I've come to believe these passions are placed in me as part of how God designed me; and because this is how God designed me, I also believe it's part of my calling in life to share these ideas with others.
Where you are and where I am...is a direct reflection of you, and of me...today. 
In our work, our income, our appearance, our relationships, our spiritual lives...in every way...our external circumstances reflect the cumulative effect of all the little choices and actions we have taken in our lives until this very moment.
For some people, this very idea is an anathema...an unacceptable conclusion in the face of all the difficulties and challenges each one of us have faced over the years. What about those poor schools and bad teachers? What about parents who didn't help us or challenge us to succeed? What about language barriers and social barriers?  What about the fact there are people who are smarter than you? More attractive than you?  What about all the things that have held you back?
As Mary Poppins might say, "Pish posh!"  It's all rubbish!
You are exactly, precisely, and entirely who you choose to be.  I am who I choose to be.  It has taken me so many years to grasp this liberating truth...and yes, it is liberating.
Even more powerful still, who you are today and where you are today, does not have to remain the same.  As Jim Rohn humorously puts it, "You are not a tree!" You can move, change, learn, grow, choose a new direction, and you can become more than you are today.
You get to choose. Only you. Here in America, no one chooses for you!
Like the famous scene in the movie Dirty Dancing, you can say with feeling, "No one puts Baby in a corner!"  There is no outside force holding you down or holding you back.  This is why people fight to come to America. This is why people cross our border illegally every single day! 
No one is fighting to break into Poland
No one is crossing the border of Bangladesh illegally, hoping to find freedom and opportunity! 
People everywhere understand - America is the place to come for unlimited opportunity. You can achieve anything in America. You can become anything you want to become...in America.
Have you truly come to understand what this means for you? Are you still frustrated with the current state of your work and income? Does it seem to you that the American dream works only for someone else, and not for you?
Hear this message today - in America there is no prerequisite keeping you from being all you want to be, and all you are capable of becoming. 
No prerequisite that is, except your own desire.  No price to pay except the price of change, and the price of hard work.  You must first believe of course, that no one and nothing stands in your way.  Your biggest enemy is yourself - the negative thinking that circulates through your mind, telling you why you can't be successful, and how the system works for everyone but you. These are lies!
When you silence the enemy in your own mind, there is no outside enemy who can do you harm or in any way hold you back.
Harness your will and your thoughts, and say, "I will challenge myself to become more!"
What is required of you is not easy, no. If it were easy, everyone would do it. 
It is, however, absolutely within your reach. The very first step toward your own personal change? Show up to the process.  And keep showing up, even when it looks as if showing up makes no difference at all. 
It is required of you to learn. To be coachable.  We are called to be lifetime learners, to be humble enough to say, "I don't know what I'm doing, but if you'll show me what to do, I'll do everything you tell me to do."
My level of success and earning will always be a reflection of my level of personal development and maturity.  The same is true for you. Learn this - memorize it. Hold fast to it, especially when you are tempted to believe that something or someone other than yourself is holding you back.  You can become what you must become in order for the dream to come true in your life, just as it has for millions before us. 
Are you ready to get started yet?


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