Contemplating REST

How do you "rest"?  Is it difficult for you to unwind and disconnect from the busy-ness of your daily life?

What is the definition of rest? I looked it up in  Merriam-Webster's dictionary and found these 2 definitions that resonate for me:

1. freedom from activity or labor
2. peace of mind or spirit

I believe it's important for each of us to regularly experience both definitions - to slow down and disconnect from the frantic pace that typically characterizes our lives.  Physical rest is crucial.  Even in the creation story told in the Bible's book of Genesis, we are told that God rested on the 7th day.  If God chooses rest for Himself, who are we to say we don't need a break? We all need a break.  In agriculture, farmers routinely rest their fields from planting on a rotating basis. Why?  Because even the ground needs a rest from its work to support the creation and growth of plants and food.

Secondly, we all need a break from the mental pressures of life.  As we live each day, we are all confronted with challenges and problems to solve.  I think it's actually harder to stop my mind from racing than it is to stop by body from running.  I come to Florida each summer for my rest.  The beach and the ocean help me to rest...but it still takes at least 2-3 days for my mind to truly rest.  I was amazed yesterday that I could float in the gentle waves off the coast of Miramar Beach and think about...nothing.  Nothing but the water, the sun and the sky.  The sounds of friends and family talking and laughing...the sounds of children playing in the water around me.

Finally, I noticed Webster's use of the word 'freedom' in his definition of the word rest, and it made me wonder about the meaning of freedom. I found this definition and like it a lot:

FREEDOM: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

When was the last time you had a day or even a week when you experienced the absence of pressure to do something, say something, call someone, or go somewhere?  I could call people, and I could do anything I'd like to do...but I don't have to do anything.  I don't have to be anywhere at a certain time, and this too is a vital aspect of experiencing rest.

When my vacation ends and I return home, there will be a long list of things to do, people to call, contracts to sign, meetings to attend, and all the rest of what comes with life.  It's a good life, and I have absolutely no complaints; however, even from the very best life, you'll still need a rest.

Take your rest when you need to, and don't for a moment question whether you should do it, or whether it's really important.  Rest is incredibly important to healthy and well-lived life.  In fact, I think I've written enough and it's time for me to get back to the work of resting for a few more days.


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