You gotta pick your spots...

Earlier this week, I was talking with a friend about strengths and weaknesses...she made an interesting point about how we can become overly concerned with our weaknesses, and how to improve in those areas...rather than focusing on our strengths...

The idea that we all have strengths and weaknesses is not a new one, but to the degree that we spend more time focused on our shortcomings than on showcasing our strengths, I think the topic bears discussion. In scripture, we're taught that each of us are uniquely created, and that we have individual and unique gifts and talents. If this is the case, why do you suppose we worry so much about what we cannot do, or are not gifted to do...rather than enjoying what we can do, and are gifted to do?

Last year I was in a job situation that constantly exposed and magnified areas in my skill sets that are underdeveloped...or, to put it more bluntly, my weaknesses. I can't remember a time when I've been more miserable in my job. Fortunately for me, and for everyone concerned, I was provided an opportunity to move to a new organization, into a job that is well suited to my gifts.

Kevin Nelson, in his book of daily inspirations for runners, makes some excellent points about individual strengths and weaknesses:

"You will never know who you are until you first admit who you are not. What are your strengths and weaknesses...? What do you do well? You must know the answers to these types of questions to achieve your goals..."

"The process of self-examination can be pretty brutal at times. It's hard to face facts about yourself. You have to recognize your limits.... But remember: no one else has your unique gifts. You possess talents and capabilities that other people, including ones you admire, can only dream of. And those unique gifts are what you must bring to the world..."

"When you're young, you think you can do everything. As you get older, you realize you have to pick your spots."

What is your spot in the world? Where and how are you unique in your gifts and talents? Always remember that no one can bring what you bring. There is no replacement for you.

Pick your spots...the places where you can shine...and bring it!


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