Hidden in plain sight...

I've been thinking about Easter egg hunts today. Perhaps the early part of January is an odd time to think about Easter egg hunts, but I have a recurring image in my mind about Easter eggs that are "hidden in plain sight..."

Maybe you've had this experience...in order to make the Easter egg hunt more accessible for the youngest of children, eggs are "hidden" in plain sight...laying in the middle of the yard, perched on a lawnchair, placed carefully on the lowest branch of the tree...easy to find, are these treasures of the hunt.

Answers to life's difficult questions often seem impossibly hard to find...obscure to even the most diligent seeker... We all have different questions, of course....my hard questions may seem silly to you...your most difficult dilemma, an easy thing for me. Knowing this is true, we do well to respect each other's questions....and our limited ability to provide each other's answers...

We can offer encouragement, shared experiences and lessons learned...and hope. And we can pray...this might be the best thing we can offer to one another, in the end. By praying, we join in the hunt for answers, but at a respectful boundary...knowing that God is faithful to hear us, and to give wisdom to those who ask.

One thing I'm sure of...we all have questions...every day, we have questions. Some questions are big...life-changing issues of "to do," or "not to do"; and some are comparitively small, like whether to do a dinner and movie on Friday night, or stay home and put away Christmas decorations...either way, there are answers available to those who seek them, and sometimes...the answers are hidden in plain sight.


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