Asleep in the bottom of the boat...

Last night I was in a 12-step meeting, and one of the ladies present was talking about the fact that she loved the meetings because the environment is calm and stable...people may share some very intense emotions, and sometimes the stories that are shared involve extremely painful circumstances...things that are upsetting to hear...still...there is no chaos or upheaval in the room, because the nature of the program is such that the atmosphere remains calm, even serene.

It got me thinking this morning about how life works. Without question, into each life a little drama must come, and if you're in a family with an addict, or in relationship of any kind with an addict, you'll probably experience a healthy dose of chaos and drama along the way... With that being the case, how do we take a sense of calm with us into the drama of life? How do we remain serene in the face of chaos and uncertainty?

These questions apply to all of us, not just those who have been touched by the disease of addiction...and it occurred to me again, as it has before, that our sense of calm must come from within, without respect to whatever may be taking place in our external circumstances. And this reminded me of Jesus, and a story told in the Gospels about him sleeping in the bottom of a boat while a wild storm raged around him and his disciples as they crossed the Sea of Galilee.

Why was Jesus able to sleep during a storm that had all of his disciples fearful for their lives? Calm. He was calm. Whether you believe the story or not, it well illustrates the point...calmness and serenity is something that we can carry within us, regardless of the presence of stormy chaos all around us.

So today, take to heart this quote from Julian of Norwich...

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."

...and know that regardless of the chaos of life, the winds and the rain, and whatever drama may befall you, calm is available to you right now, and you too can sleep in the bottom of the boat.


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