Reflections of the heart...

The process of writing these devotionals, reflections...commentaries...however you might like to describe them, has been interesting. As I try to weave together stories, illustrations...personal frailities and vulnerability...biblical and theological perspective and sometimes feels like it works, and other times seems like the end product would be best used to line the bottom of a birdcage...

Today is one of those days where I'm not sure whether we've got brilliance or birdcage liner, but I submit it to you in the hopes that something will resonate, challenge, or encourage you...

We are on Proverbs 27, the 27th day of the month...13 more days until my 50th birthday...and my AARP card arrived in the mail yesterday...have mercy Lord, and teach us to number our days with a heart of full of wisdom....

"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man."

I found the picture that is conjured up by this verse slightly puzzling...I can see your face...and usually think in terms of being able to see your heart by looking into your eyes...but no, the Proverb says that it is the heart of man that reflects the man. We cannot see one another's hearts with our physical how do we see another's heart?

In some ways, I think perhaps the picture is intended to be a puzzle...a mystery wrapped in a it not true that we often think we know another person's heart? We assign motives and meaning to words and behavior, because we think we know things that quite possibly, we don't know at all.

In terms of writing, and my desire to always tie ideas together in a way that makes sense, I feel as if what I'm going to say next will make no sense at all...and yet, these words are the words on my heart to say...I feel compelled to say...and I hope that for someone, somewhere, these words will bring comfort...and in a way that I cannot possibly understand from where I sit, will make sense to you...

If we could truly see into each other's hearts...and if I could allow you to look into my heart...this is what I hope we'll all see...








...and Hope.

May our hearts reflect the grace and character of Jesus today.


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