I'm a PC...and other revelations...
I did it. I took the Mac back...I guess I'm a PC after all. I'm not sure that I'm happy about this particular element of self-discovery, but I missed the Windows interface (or at least that's what the Mac salesperson diagnosed as my ailment). I'll just go along with it, because I don't have any better reason.
Have I mentioned that I don't like change? It's not something I'm proud about, because life is about change, if it's about anything at all...everything is in motion...moving, constantly changing...and I, I am a creature of tenacious habit. Butterflies are symbolic of change...of growth...coming out of the cocoon, so to speak. Sometimes I watch people deal with change, and am in awe...and jealous too...I just don't seem to handle change with much grace. I don't really know why, but it isn't a recent development.
I read an article today in Runner's World magazine. I found it inspirational, which is the primary reason that I read the magazine (as opposed to reading it because I'm a seasoned runner...). The author talked about how our attitude is largely influenced by how we perceive our activities each day, and specifically, whether we see these activities as something we have to do, or something we get to do. She is the mother of several small children, so her days are filled with housework, cooking, and shuttling children from place to place...squeezed in around her 'have to' kinds of events, she is a runner. For her, running is something she gets to do, and the attitude adjustment for her came in seeing household chores through the same 'get to' lens.
I spent part of the day sitting with my Mom, who is back in the hospital...not sure whether she has bronchitis, or fluid build-up from heart issues...or what...but she's very sick. As I read the article, I realized anew that I need to view this time with my Mom as something I get to do. Later in the day, I felt that I needed to work-out at the gym. I tried to focus my mind on the fact that running is something I get to do...the physical ability to run, or even to walk, is not to be taken for granted.
So tonight, as I peck away at the keyboard of my old PC, I realize that change is going to come in my life with some amount of difficulty, but at least I can work on how I see things...
I get to...sit with my Mom and be in her presence for a little while longer...
I get to...run 2 miles because I'm gifted with the good health to do so...and
I get to...go to work at a very good job tomorrow morning.
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