Taking pictures
I recently purchased a Mac...I'm in the midst of an internal debate about whether to keep it or not...and whether perhaps, "I am a PC." Hard choice...mostly because I don't like change, and the Mac is definitely different.
In my ongoing attempt to see the positive side of things, I'll say that the Mac has a really cool photo booth, with which you can take all manner of pictures, and distort the images in the funniest ways. Last week, 2 of my nieces and I had several hours of hilarity, simply taking distorted pictures...I mean truly, you cannot believe what kinds of crazy distortions you can create with this silly tool...
The picture here is not distorted...so no wisecracks from the peanut gallery, if you don't mind...we took this picture in order to document our creation in a "book," and so that people who saw all the distorted pictures would actually recognize that it was us in the book.
As I think back on our photo booth experiment, I realize that I get in my own way sometimes...a lot of the time actually...and keep myself from being able to enjoy life. It's an annoying and lifelong habit that I'd give just about anything to break right now. If I could figure out how to manage my emotional roller-coaster, I might be able to have a good time...like the night we took crazy pictures...that was a good time. I'm pretty lucky to have such cool nieces... and beyond that, I've got some pretty great people in my life...people who will stay with me even when I'm miserably pessimistic and morose...and people who will go to great lengths to help me learn how to laugh again.
I couldn't think of anything very deep to write about today, but I wanted to say that I appreciate my nieces. They've spent a lot of time with me this summer, and their presence has really made a difference.
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