The Set of the Sail

It is our philosophical set of the sail that determines the course of our lives. To change our current direction, we have to change our philosophy, not our circumstances. -Jim Rohn

Ahoy matey! It is time once again, to set the sail of my philosophy. Since I first wrote about the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle, circumstances have changed on several fronts...the one commonality of the change is that I am not in control of the external events occurring in and around my life. I do however, have control of my mind. I am not a duck, a rabbit, or a squirrel...I am not imprisoned by dumb instinct, nor are any of us. We have the God-given ability to alter our thoughts, our perceptions, and indeed, our reactions to the circumstances that we encounter on life's journey.

Part of my process for setting the sail involves listening to CDs and reading...I am subjecting my mind to things that will change my thinking for the better. One of the lessons in recent days has to do with happiness.

Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design. - Jim Rohn

Jim's observation about happiness is worth pondering...what does is mean to design happiness? If I were to choose this course of action, and design happiness in my own life, what would it look like? What steps would I take, and what choices would I make?

There are only a handful of things that are truly, deeply important in our lives. The choices we make with these few things make all the difference. What are the few things that make all of the difference in your life? Do you know? I am working on my list...refining it...and allowing it to refine me.

I am hard at work, measuring the winds of circumstances, focused on how to set my sail.


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