10 Decisions to Make Everyday...

Yesterday I received an email from a former business associate. She was forwarding an article entitled, "10 Decisions that Leaders Make Everyday." I found it to be encouraging, and in some ways inspiring...

I've been journaling about the list, and include it here in an abbreviated form...I hope it's an encouragement to you as well!

1. Decide to Focus.

2. Decide to Trust.

3. Decide to Set Higher Expectations.

4. Decide to Lead by Good Example.

5. Decide to Look for the Good.

6. Decide to Create a Positive Environment.

7. Decide to Engage!

8. Decide to Start What Needs to Be Done Right Now.

9. Decide to Stop Doing Whatever isn't Helpful.

10. Decide to Learn.

It seems to me that the simplest principles can easily elude us, and yet, when reminded of the things on this list each day, I am encouraged that achieving these ideals is not impossible. Small, momentary decisions can lead to enormous and positive change, if we can simply slow down long enough to be aware of the decisions we are making.


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