Timing is everything...

Yesterday was a good day...busy...full of anticipation for friends coming to dinner, and for the first Cowboy game of the season. Dinner with friends was spectacular, the Cowboys game...not so much. At the end, it could have been spectacular...a miraculous win...but as it turned out, it disappointed with a thud, the result of the evening's last penalty...won of many such penalties throughout the game...

Well, that was yesterday, and this is today, and the show must go on! I know that if you take the time to read this blog, you're not coming here for an update on the state of Cowboys football.

I had a bad night where food was concerned, which is often the case when I host a party or dinner in my home. I can't exactly tell you why I ate badly, and too much, but I have some ideas about it...and will have to sort through that during the day today....in the future, I'll need a better strategy for this type of situation, because I truly enjoy hosting these events in my home, and I can't eat poorly everytime I have dinner guests.

This brings me to the end of my evening, and my nightly ritual of reading a Proverb and another scripture, and doing a brief bit of journaling on those passages. It was late, and rather than take Ambien (I take it for sleep) after my reading/journaling, I took it before. Timing, as they say, is everything!

This morning I pulled out my journal to make a few notes about the plan for today, and review last night's Proverbs reading. If you look carefully at the lower right corner of the journal, you'll see an odd, and rather funny little drawing...I laughed out loud when I saw it, partly because the drawing is humorous, but mostly because I have no recollection of drawing this at all! I drew my little character, with what are supposed to be "ZZZzzzzz...." out beside his head (the characters don't look like ZZZzzz's, but I know that was the objective)....and the phrase "Going to Sleep."

So, tonight's lesson is "take the ambien after you finish your reading and journaling for the evening...", and, a secondary important lesson, don't ever take yourself too seriously! I laughed at myself this morning, and it made for a cheerful start to the day!


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